:CH Foxi Flamin Fondue of Kel-Zet
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian red (PER d)
Inbreeding coefficient:1.63 % (4) - 2.77 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:92.59 % (4) - 38.52 % (10)
Jody Lee
Persian black
(PER n)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.72 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
91.30 % (4) - 41.31 % (10)
Mauroi Amate Bine
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
CH Cyam-La-Paz Algadon Blanco
Persian white odd-eyed
(PER w 63)
CH Smithway Adonis
Persian blue (PER a)
Cabrillo Pixipak
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
CH Herondale Musique of Blu-Acre
Persian white odd-eyed
(PER w 63)
CH Shady-Oaks Largo of Herondale
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Shady-Oaks Moby Dick
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Shady-Oaks Debutante
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Herondale Amelia
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
CH Herondale His Honour
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Citrus Ridge Glamorina
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
CH Bissit Ginger Pinkee
Persian red
(PER d)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 2.14 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 33.12 % (10)
CH Reynolds Ranch Rocket of Key-Mur
Persian cream
(PER e)
CH, DCH Danny Boy of Reynolds Ranch
Persian red (cameo) shaded silver
(PER ds 11)
CH Smithway Adonis
Persian blue (PER a)
Cabrillo Pixipak
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
R-Ranch Morning Mist
Persian dilute calico
(PER g 09)
Sandhill Rojo Hijo
Persian red (PER d)
QGC Masquerade Doll of Reynolds Ranch
Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09)
DCH Bissit Tortee
Persian tortoiseshell
(PER f)
CH Kissat Musta
Persian black
(PER n)
Texas Brandy of Vista Grande
Persian blue (PER a)
GC Vista Grande Saint Noches
Persian black (PER n)
DCH Cruson Red Ruffles
Persian red
(PER d)
CH Cruson Golden Boy
Persian red (PER d)
CH, DGC Woolman Empress Variegated
Persian blue & cream (PER g)