| ||||||||||||||||||
: CH, DCH Danny Boy of Reynolds Ranch Persian red (cameo) shaded silver (PER ds 11) Inbreeding coefficient: 4.08 % (4) - 6.98 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 93.33 % (4) - 28.22 % (10) | : CH Smithway Adonis Persian blue (PER a) | : GC Dixi-Land Queed of Azulita Persian blue (PER a) | Windibank Dear David of Dunesk Persian blue (PER a) | Dixi-Land Iani Persian blue (PER a) | : CH Smithway Lisa Persian blue (PER a) | GC Azulita Patriot of Casa Cielo Persian blue (PER a) | CH Azulita Chi-Baba of Smithway Persian blue (PER a) | : Cabrillo Pixipak Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | : Bre-Etta Cafe Au Lait Persian cream (PER e) | CH Azulita Personality of Bre-Etta Persian blue (PER a) | Lucky Lane Creme Treasure Persian cream (PER e) | : CH Bre-Etta Piccola Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | CH Gallahad Executive of Bre-Etta Persian white odd-eyed (PER w 63) | Bre-Etta White Suprema Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | ||||
: R-Ranch Morning Mist Persian dilute calico (PER g 09) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 2.16 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 100.00 % (4) - 39.01 % (10) | : Sandhill Rojo Hijo Persian red (PER d) | : DCH Rocky Mountain Purring Tobias Persian blue (PER a) | CH Chadhurst Sunshine of Rocky Mountain Persian cream (PER e) | DCH Camber Sally of Rocky Mountain Persian blue (PER a) | : CH, DCH Shawnee Dina of Sandhill Persian red (PER d) | CH Coralmere Dawn of Freedom Persian red (PER d) | Shawnee Cardinalette II Persian red (PER d) | : QGC Masquerade Doll of Reynolds Ranch Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09) | : CH Kishwaukee Pierre Persian black (PER n) | Ayme-Tu-Wynn Moses Persian black (PER n) | Merrypets Topsi-Turvi Persian tortoiseshell (PER f) | : Sherrie Cherry Persian red with white (PER d 09) | Wanaki Rick of Godric Persian red with white (PER d 09) | Spoon River Red Camellia Persian red (PER d) |