:Mauroi Amate Bine
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
CH Cyam-La-Paz Algadon Blanco
Persian white odd-eyed
(PER w 63)
Inbreeding coefficient:
4.08 % (4) - 6.98 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
93.33 % (4) - 28.22 % (10)
CH Smithway Adonis
Persian blue
(PER a)
GC Dixi-Land Queed of Azulita
Persian blue
(PER a)
Windibank Dear David of Dunesk
Persian blue (PER a)
Dixi-Land Iani
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Smithway Lisa
Persian blue
(PER a)
GC Azulita Patriot of Casa Cielo
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Azulita Chi-Baba of Smithway
Persian blue (PER a)
Cabrillo Pixipak
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Bre-Etta Cafe Au Lait
Persian cream
(PER e)
CH Azulita Personality of Bre-Etta
Persian blue (PER a)
Lucky Lane Creme Treasure
Persian cream (PER e)
CH Bre-Etta Piccola
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
CH Gallahad Executive of Bre-Etta
Persian white odd-eyed (PER w 63)
Bre-Etta White Suprema
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)