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: Silver Cling Persian (PER) | : Workman Little Chubby (aka Little Chubby) Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) Inbreeding coefficient: 7.81 % (4) - 12.55 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 84.00 % (4) - 27.57 % (10) | : Chinchilla Eaglet II Persian (PER) | : Cleopatra II of Orange Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) Inbreeding coefficient: 3.17 % (4) - 5.07 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 86.21 % (4) - 25.91 % (10) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
: Lariston Romeo Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) Inbreeding coefficient: 1.66 % (4) - 4.77 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 76.47 % (4) - 20.90 % (10) | : Silver Lover Persian (PER) | : Lariston Lover Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | Lariston Radium Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | CH Lariston Miramar Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | : Kitty Alba Persian (PER) | : Ohler Bebe Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11) | : Quinton of Ramona Persian black smoke (PER ns) | Van Dyke of Normandie Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11) | : Gloria Daydream Persian black smoke (PER ns) | Quinton of Ramona Persian black smoke (PER ns) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
: Cleopatra of Hillandale Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) |