:CH Twinkle´s Uzay of Hagia Sophia´s
4 / 5 / 6
& :Turkish Angora blue smoke with white (TUA as 09)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 11.36 % (12)
:Sari Talih den
Turkish Angora red (cameo) shaded silver with white (TUA ds 09 11)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) -
Ancestor loss coefficient:
:U´Fillis Talih den
Turkish Angora black smoke (TUA ns)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 5.52 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:93.33 % (4) - 6.19 % (12)
Feli-City´s Flört
Turkish Angora black smoke with white
(TUA ns 09)