Cat:Willanesca av SRK LO 280
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:FemaleBirthdate:07 March 1964
Breed & Color:Persian silver tabby with white (PER ns 09 22)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.74 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:96.67 % (4) - 28.05 % (10)
Sire:Bentveld Will-o-the Wisp
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:5.46 % (4) - 20.72 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:86.67 % (4) - 9.70 % (10)
Dam:Rosemary av Hageby
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Birthdate:31 July 1955
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 2.58 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 30.22 % (10)
Sire's sire:
Spindrift Simple Peter
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
94.44 % (4) - 15.40 % (10)
Sire's sire's sire:
CH Mark of Allington
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sire's sire's sire's sire:
CH Flambeau of Allington
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sarisbury Simba
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
CH Foxburrow Flame
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's sire's sire's dam:
CH Musidora of Allington
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
MacDuff of Allington
Persian (PER)
CH Felicity of Allington
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's sire's dam:
Tiptoes of Thame
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sire's sire's dam's sire:
EngCH Jamie of Thame
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
EngCH Stourbank Silver King
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Feather of Thame
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's sire's dam's dam:
Dawn of Thame
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Foxburrow Tilli Willi
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Mitsie of Thame
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's dam:
Bentveld Fioretta
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:
25.00 % (4) - 25.00 % (8)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
90.00 % (4) - 83.78 % (10)
Sire's dam's sire:
Sarisbury Simba
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sire's dam's sire's sire:
Sylvandene Statesman
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
David of Allington
Persian (PER)
Lily of Allington
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's dam's sire's dam:
Sarisbury Seraph
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sea Mist Unique
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Foxburrow Cesca
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's dam's dam:
Bentveld Gypsophilia
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sire's dam's dam's sire:
Sarisbury Simba
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Sylvandene Statesman
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sarisbury Seraph
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sire's dam's dam's dam:
Bentveld Fleur
IC Jolyon of Allington
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Tandy of Thame
Persian (PER)
Dam's sire:
Tarzan von Königsmark
Persian blue
(PER a)
29 April 1954
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 3.15 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 30.15 % (10)
Dam's sire's sire:
Gippeswyk Darby
Persian blue
(PER a)
Dam's sire's sire's sire:
Malmary SonOfTaff
Persian blue
(PER a)
Mokoia Tafete
Persian blue (PER a)
Skeete Gaye
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
Gippeswyk June
Persian blue
(PER a)
ENG CH Southway Crusader
Persian blue (PER a)
Areley Sweet Symphony
Persian (PER)
Dam's sire's dam:
Drevvikshofs Carina
Persian blue
(PER a)
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
CH Baralan Challenger
Persian blue
(PER a)
Baralan Boy Blue
Persian blue (PER a)
Stella of Takeley
Persian black (PER n)
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
Drevvikshofs Zamba
Persian black
(PER n)
Itie af Knorre
Persian black (PER n)
Olsis Jeanette
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's dam:
Tassablanca av Birka
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
28 April 1954
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.41 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 28.31 % (10)
Dam's dam's sire:
IC Tass av Birka
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Dam's dam's sire's sire:
Vesterby Bambi
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Puk av Øresundshøj
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Birkedal Judy
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Dam's dam's sire's dam:
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Sepps Bär von Heidberg
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Marmolins Lizzie
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's dam's dam:
Widdington Rosemary
Persian blue & cream
(PER g)
Dam's dam's dam's sire:
Valleyend Commando
Persian blue
(PER a)
Valleyend Blue Prince
Persian blue (PER a)
Valleyend Faith
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's dam's dam's dam:
Widdington Wilfull
Eng CH Widdington Warden
Persian cream (PER e)
Pelham Thelma
Persian cream (PER e)