Cat:CH Dixiecrest Dreamtime of Tru-Luv
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:MaleBirthdate:20 July 1971
Breed & Color:Persian blue with white (PER a 09)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 1.45 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:90.00 % (4) - 31.31 % (10)
Sire:Topstone Sonny Dream
Persian cream (PER e)
Birthdate:24 December 1967
Inbreeding coefficient:10.28 % (4) - 11.07 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:80.00 % (4) - 26.14 % (10)
Dam:Pathfinders Pansytime
Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09)
Birthdate:05 December 1969
Inbreeding coefficient:8.41 % (4) - 11.76 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:80.00 % (4) - 29.77 % (10)
Sire's sire:
Iowana Casanova of Felinest
Persian cream
(PER e)
Inbreeding coefficient:
27.39 % (4) - 29.05 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
73.33 % (4) - 20.12 % (10)
Sire's sire's sire:
GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands
Persian cream
(PER e)
Sire's sire's sire's sire:
Eng Ch Beamsley´s Sunbeam
Persian cream
(PER e)
Berrett Casanova
Persian (PER)
Beamsley Nyddia
Persian (PER)
Sire's sire's sire's dam:
Barwell´s Psyche
Persian blue & cream
(PER g)
Eng Ch Oscar of Pensford
Persian cream (PER e)
Priscilla of Pensford
Persian blue & cream (PER g)
Sire's sire's dam:
Gaylands Helga
Persian cream
(PER e)
Sire's sire's dam's sire:
GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands
Persian cream
(PER e)
Eng Ch Beamsley´s Sunbeam
Persian cream (PER e)
Barwell´s Psyche
Persian blue & cream (PER g)
Sire's sire's dam's dam:
Widdington Merrylass of Gaylands
Persian tortoiseshell
(PER f)
Eng Ch Chadhurst Sambo
Persian black (PER n)
Eng Ch Widdington´s Honeystar
Persian cream (PER e)
Sire's dam:
GC Ben-Mar Cinderella of Topstone
Persian cream
(PER e)
Inbreeding coefficient:
2.49 % (4) - 4.40 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
90.00 % (4) - 28.93 % (10)
Sire's dam's sire:
GC Ben-Mar Daydream of Moonfleet
Persian cream
(PER e)
Sire's dam's sire's sire:
Ch Nor-Mont Simone´s Randy
GC Nor-Mont Applause
Persian blue (PER a)
Ch Nor-Mont Simone
Persian (PER)
Sire's dam's sire's dam:
Ch Willowood Cameo of Ben-Mar
GC Longhills Michaelangelo
Persian cream (PER e)
Madeira Miette of Willouise
Persian (PER)
Sire's dam's dam:
CH Larks-Purr Lyric of Ben-Mar
Persian cream
(PER e)
Sire's dam's dam's sire:
GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands
Persian cream
(PER e)
Eng Ch Beamsley´s Sunbeam
Persian cream (PER e)
Barwell´s Psyche
Persian blue & cream (PER g)
Sire's dam's dam's dam:
CH Willouise Mirage of Larks-Purr
Persian blue & cream
(PER g)
CH Longhill´s Son o´Michael
Persian cream (PER e)
CH Longhills Misty Moon
Persian blue & cream (PER g)
Dam's sire:
CH Pathfinders Parti-time
Inbreeding coefficient:
3.13 % (4) - 5.36 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
92.86 % (4) - 36.46 % (10)
Dam's sire's sire:
Pathfinders Briar
Dam's sire's sire's sire:
Pathfinders White Shepherd
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Eng Ch Snowcloud Crispin
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
EngCH Pathfinders Shephedress
Persian tortoiseshell (PER f)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
Pathfinders Rosebud
Persian tortoiseshell and white (calico)
(PER f 03)
CH Cherry of Carne
Persian red tabby (PER d 22)
CH Pathfinders Mayflower
Persian tortoiseshell and white (calico) (PER f 03)
Dam's sire's dam:
CH Pathfinders Maytime
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
Arcamor Scamp
Persian black
(PER n)
Valleyend Ecru
Persian cream (PER e)
Barwell Radiance
Persian tortoiseshell (PER f)
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
Pathfinders Russet Leaf
Persian tortoiseshell with white
(PER f 09)
Pathfinders Nigger
British shorthair black (BRI n)
Pathfinders Bella (LH)
Non-recognized breed longhair tortoiseshell with white (XLH f 09)
Dam's dam:
Pathfinders Pansy
Persian tortoiseshell with white
(PER f 09)
23 August 1965
Inbreeding coefficient:
1.56 % (4) - 4.01 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 33.14 % (10)
Dam's dam's sire:
Eng CH Pathfinders Trail
Dam's dam's sire's sire:
CH Cherry of Carne
Persian red tabby
(PER d 22)
Chadhurst Black Monack
Persian black (PER n)
Crazi Patch of Carne
Persian tortoiseshell (PER f)
Dam's dam's sire's dam:
CH Pathfinders Mayflower
Persian tortoiseshell and white (calico)
(PER f 03)
Pyeleigh Horatius
Persian blue (PER a)
Pathfinders Russet Leaf
Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09)
Dam's dam's dam:
CH Pathfinders Crocus
Dam's dam's dam's sire:
Arcamor Scamp
Persian black
(PER n)
Valleyend Ecru
Persian cream (PER e)
Barwell Radiance
Persian tortoiseshell (PER f)
Dam's dam's dam's dam:
Pathfinders Sunset Glow
Pathfinders Golden Dawn
Persian red (PER d)
Pathfinders Rustic Glow
Persian tortoiseshell and white (calico) (PER f 03)