Cat:Cinnamon Lane Bambi
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:MaleBirthdate:02 January 1966
Breed & Color:Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 1.38 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 33.69 % (10)
Sire:Hirondelle Pride of Claridge
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Inbreeding coefficient:3.44 % (4) - 6.44 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:93.33 % (4) - 26.18 % (10)
Dam:DCH Silver Sword´s Mirage
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Birthdate:16 June 1962
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.14 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:96.43 % (4) - 40.83 % (10)
Sire's sire:
CH Gallahad´s Mighty Proud of Hirondelle
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
27 July 1960
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 3.76 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 27.79 % (10)
Sire's sire's sire:
Windibank Breezi of Gallahad
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Sire's sire's sire's sire:
CH, DCH Dixi-Land Dilli of Windibank
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
CH Dixi-Land Banner of Windiband
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
CH Dixi-Land Delilah of Windibank
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Sire's sire's sire's dam:
Windibank Bayou Iris
Persian blue
(PER a)
Windibank Dear David of Dunesk
Persian blue (PER a)
Windibank Glaour Girl of Dunesk
Persian blue (PER a)
Sire's sire's dam:
CH Gallahad Alice Blue Gown
Persian blue
(PER a)
Sire's sire's dam's sire:
DCH Evergreen White Pine of Akanta
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
CH Erin Nikki of Evergreen
Persian (PER)
Evergreen Lisa
Persian (PER)
Sire's sire's dam's dam:
CH Shiraz Blue Shira of Gallahad
Persian blue
(PER a)
CH Dixi-Land Wycliffe Encore
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Nigrette Shahnaz of Shiraz
Persian blue (PER a)
Sire's dam:
Gallahad Sweets of Hirondelle
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 3.24 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 27.41 % (10)
Sire's dam's sire:
CH Klinkhammer Prince Valiant
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Sire's dam's sire's sire:
CH Klinkhammer Lafayette
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
CH Klinkhammer Snow Boy
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Montpellier Alouette
Persian blue (PER a)
Sire's dam's sire's dam:
Klinkhammer Comette
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
DCH Texas Klinkhammer Blue Boy
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Klinkhammer Angelette
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Sire's dam's dam:
CH Windibank Karin of Gallahad
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Sire's dam's dam's sire:
Windibank Dear David of Dunesk
Persian blue
(PER a)
Eng Ch Dylan of Allington
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Wild Violet of Dunesk
Persian blue (PER a)
Sire's dam's dam's dam:
CH Dixi-Land Delilah of Windibank
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Dixi-Land Peace
Persian blue (PER a)
Rosedear Fleur of Arlington
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Dam's sire:
DCH Willow Mist Emperor Jones
Persian black
(PER n)
02 September 1956
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 66.67 % (10)
Dam's sire's sire:
Willow Mist Pagan Prince
Dam's sire's sire's sire:
Little Joe of Lynnrae
Persian black
(PER n)
Captain Midnight
Persian black (PER n)
Melissa (CFA)
Persian (PER)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
Lynnrae Heidi
Persian tortoiseshell
(PER f)
Flanark Johnny Doughboy of Bobi Don
Persian (PER)
Lady Megan of Lynnrae
Persian (PER)
Dam's sire's dam:
Willow Mist The Duchess
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
Candy Cane Bo-Bo of Willow Mist
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
Candy Cane Pussy Willow
Persian blue
(PER a)
Candy Cane Frosty White
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Candy Cane Blue Frost
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's dam:
DCH Skyway Colleen of Silver Sword
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
03 October 1960
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.82 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
90.00 % (4) - 31.22 % (10)
Dam's dam's sire:
CH Kerry Lu Smoke Gem of Skyway
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
Dam's dam's sire's sire:
Kerry Lu Rudolfo
Persian black
(PER n)
Mistey Rastus of Ayme-Tu-Wynn
Persian black (PER n)
CH Kerry Lu Dark Moon of Inverness
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Dam's dam's sire's dam:
CH Kerry Lu Dark Moon of Inverness
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
CH Inverness Dark Beau
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Mar Vista Blue Star of Inverness
Persian blue (PER a)
Dam's dam's dam:
Westbrook Sprite of Evergreen
Persian blue
(PER a)
Dam's dam's dam's sire:
Nigrette Danny Boy of Westbrook
Persian blue
(PER a)
GC Dixi-Land Montpellier Victor
Persian blue (PER a)
Nigrette Inspiration
Persian (PER)
Dam's dam's dam's dam:
Westbrook Carmelita
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Ch Purr-Zhan Pearl Harbor Swami
Persian blue (PER a)
My Alice Blue Gown
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)