Cat:Gra-Stone Sugar of Homewood
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:FemaleBirthdate:09 August 1950
Breed & Color:Persian red (PER d)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:80.00 % (4) - 33.71 % (10)
Sire:DCH Smallhurst Cherub of Gra-Stone
Persian (PER)
Dam:Tiny´s Tuffy of Smallhurst
Persian red (PER d)
Birthdate:01 March 1946
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:62.50 % (4) - 28.41 % (10)
Dam's sire:
Just-a-mere Red Kiska Northway
Persian red
(PER d)
03 April 1942
Inbreeding coefficient:
38.74 % (4) - 39.94 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
53.33 % (4) - 23.07 % (10)
Dam's sire's sire:
CH Red Dawn Karess of Just-a-mere
Persian red
(PER d)
Dam's sire's sire's sire:
CH Red Dawn Joselito Del Norte
Persian red
(PER d)
CH Charro Del-Norte
Persian red (PER d)
Sandra Del Norte
Persian red (PER d)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
Red Dawn Bimbette of Just-a-mere
Persian red
(PER d)
Red Dawn General Dignity of Nellanook
Persian red (PER d)
CH Castlewood Mitzi Lion of Red Dawn
Persian red (PER d)
Dam's sire's dam:
Just-a-mere K.B.
Persian red
(PER d)
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
CH Red Dawn Karess of Just-a-mere
Persian red
(PER d)
CH Red Dawn Joselito Del Norte
Persian red (PER d)
Red Dawn Bimbette of Just-a-mere
Persian red (PER d)
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
Red Dawn Bimbette of Just-a-mere
Persian red
(PER d)
Red Dawn General Dignity of Nellanook
Persian red (PER d)
CH Castlewood Mitzi Lion of Red Dawn
Persian red (PER d)
Dam's dam:
Smallhurst Sunny
Persian red
(PER d)