Cat:CH Thornyfoot of Essex
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:MaleBirthdate:05 May 1914
Breed & Color:Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:81.25 % (4) - 36.39 % (10)
Sire:Arlington King
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Dam:Dawn o´Day
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Birthdate:31 March 1913
Inbreeding coefficient:15.10 % (4) - 16.35 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:73.33 % (4) - 35.16 % (10)
Dam's sire:
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
18 August 1909
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 4.20 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
82.14 % (4) - 42.79 % (10)
Dam's sire's sire:
DCH King Winter
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Dam's sire's sire's sire:
Old Fort Jack Frost
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Old Fort King of the Silvers
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Silver Rime
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
Arlington Biji
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Old Fort King of the Silvers
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
The Blessed Damosel
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Dam's sire's dam:
Abbey Fluff Ball
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
Jupiter Duvals
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
St Anthony
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Jill Duvals
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
Silver Dawn
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Puff (NCC)
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Lambkin Queen
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Dam's dam:
The Spring Maid
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
27 October 1911
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.46 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
85.71 % (4) - 51.69 % (10)
Dam's dam's sire:
DCH King Winter
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Dam's dam's sire's sire:
Old Fort Jack Frost
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Old Fort King of the Silvers
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Silver Rime
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Dam's dam's sire's dam:
Arlington Biji
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Old Fort King of the Silvers
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
The Blessed Damosel
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Dam's dam's dam:
Persian white blue-eyed
(PER w 61)
Dam's dam's dam's sire:
General Knox
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(PER w 62)
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Phoebe Snow
Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61)
Dam's dam's dam's dam:
Lady Knox
Snowball (Son of White Ghost)
Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62)
Persian (PER)