Cat:Kitnhevn Punkin
4 / 5 / 6
Sex:MaleBirthdate:12 September 2005
Breed & Color:Turkish Angora red tabby (TUA d 22)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 4.27 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 22.54 % (10)
Sire:Kitnhevn Another Chance
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
Birthdate:20 August 2003
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 4.46 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 6.37 % (12)
Dam:GC Antioch China Roses
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell smoke (TUA fs)
Birthdate:18 May 2002
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 3.24 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:93.33 % (4) - 6.62 % (12)
Sire's sire:
Kitnhevn Sun Tea
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed
(TUA w 61)
08 September 2001
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 4.06 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
90.00 % (4) - 7.66 % (12)
Sire's sire's sire:
GC Matiki´s Shot-of-Wild Turkey
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed
(TUA w 61)
Sire's sire's sire's sire:
Lacepastis Little Boy Encore
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed
(TUA w 61)
CH Lacepastis Romulos
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed (TUA w 63)
GC Proceed Eleuthera of Lacepastis
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Sire's sire's sire's dam:
Lacepastis Ilkbahar
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed
(TUA w 61)
GC Ziya Gipsy Rover of Lacepastis
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
CH Ziya Gipsy Tamborine
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Sire's sire's dam:
GC Kitnhevn Black Velvet
Turkish Angora black
(TUA n)
Sire's sire's dam's sire:
Hosca Kal So Seduce Me! Of Kica
Turkish Angora blue silver tabby with white
(TUA as 09 22)
CH Hosca Kal Ladykiller
Turkish Angora red (cameo) silver tabby with white (TUA ds 09 22)
Antioch Sapphire of Hosca Kal
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Sire's sire's dam's dam:
Abbyrose Moon Shadow of Kitnhevn
Turkish Angora black
(TUA n)
CH Kaw´s Lt. Tom Paris
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
CH Izerblue Isabella of Tameral
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Sire's dam:
CH Covysham Gypsy Dancer of Kitnhevn
Turkish Angora blue
(TUA a)
19 March 2001
Inbreeding coefficient:
3.59 % (4) - 9.94 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 15.60 % (10)
Sire's dam's sire:
Classy Paws Blue Lustre of Antioch
Turkish Angora blue
(TUA a)
Sire's dam's sire's sire:
Tameral Jimminy Cricket of Antioch
Turkish Angora blue
(TUA a)
Tameral Errol Flynn
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Tameral Freckles
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell (TUA f)
Sire's dam's sire's dam:
GC RW Captain Cat MS Blu of Alabama Cats
Turkish Angora blue
(TUA a)
CH Captain Cat Dunga Din
Turkish Angora blue (TUA a)
Antioch Indigo Blue of Duman
Turkish Angora blue (TUA a)
Sire's dam's dam:
Dimondcatz Lil Silver Lace
Turkish Angora
Sire's dam's dam's sire:
Yildiz Sweet William
Turkish Angora
CH Kwapaw´s Rowdy Roddy
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
CH Yildiz Black Rose
Turkish Angora black (TUA n)
Sire's dam's dam's dam:
Satin Autumn´s Pasha of Oaktown
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
GC Lacepastis Siyahabu of Calypso Cove
Turkish Angora black (TUA n)
CH Calypso Cove Alpha of Welcome
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
Dam's sire:
CH Sadakat´s Holy Smoke! Of Zamaray
Turkish Angora black smoke
(TUA ns)
10 March 2001
Inbreeding coefficient:
5.58 % (4) - 9.56 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
76.67 % (4) - 6.34 % (12)
Dam's sire's sire:
GC RW Silverlock´s Hearts Afire of Sadakat, BW
Turkish Angora red (cameo) silver mackerel tabby
(TUA ds 23)

Dam's sire's sire's sire:
Sadakat´s White Heat of Antalya´Perl
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
CH Silverlock´s Jean Valjean of Antalya
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
GC Silverlock´s Wildfire of Sadakat
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell (patched) silver tabby (TUA fs 22)
Dam's sire's sire's dam:
GC Silverlock´s Wildfire of Sadakat
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell (patched) silver tabby
(TUA fs 22)
GP & CH Yildiz Herald Skif of Sadakat
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
GC Silverlock´s Fire´N Rain of Swanmagic
Turkish Angora red (cameo) shaded silver (TUA ds 11)
Dam's sire's dam:
GP & GC Sadakat´s Forever Love, DM
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed
(TUA w 63)
Dam's sire's dam's sire:
CH Kaw´s Lt. Tom Paris
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed
(TUA w 61)
Dore´s Wind Racer
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
GC, RW Dore´s Athena, DM
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Dam's sire's dam's dam:
CH Sadakat´s Heaven-Sent, DM
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
GP & CH Yildiz Herald Skif of Sadakat
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
CH Sevmek Serendipity Celestial
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Dam's dam:
GC Antioch Rosanna of Tameral
Turkish Angora dilute calico
(TUA g 09)
01 August 2001
Inbreeding coefficient:
1.78 % (4) - 8.05 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 4.79 % (12)
Dam's dam's sire:
Semavi Vaat Snoopy of Captain Cat
Turkish Angora black with white
(TUA n 09)
Dam's dam's sire's sire:
Duman´s Onyx Chips of Captain Cat
Turkish Angora black with white
(TUA n 09)
GC Capaqua´s Sarasin of Duman
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
CH Duman´s Blueberrry Hill
Turkish Angora blue with white (TUA a 09)
Dam's dam's sire's dam:
Tameral Kadife of Semavi Vaat
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
GC Antrim Ovation of Tameral
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
CH No Ruz Suret of Tameral
Turkish Angora black with white (TUA n 09)
Dam's dam's dam:
CH Tameral Turkish Girl of Antioch
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed
(TUA w 63)
Dam's dam's dam's sire:
GC Antioch Oh be Joyful!
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed
(TUA w 63)
PR & CH Tameral Marduk of Silverlock
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
CH Kedi Satin And Lace of Antioch, DM
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
Dam's dam's dam's dam:
GC Tameral Julianna
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell with white
(TUA f 09)
CH Heijinmao Hakim of Galatia
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
Nadira de Saint Glinglin
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed (TUA w 63)