:Queen Silvermist
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 36.63 % (10)
Groot´s Hapsburg Snoopy
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.55 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
93.33 % (4) - 27.12 % (10)
QCH Prince Alphonso of Groot´s
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
King of Silver Snow
Persian shaded silver
(PER ns 11)
CH Syroco Silver Ruff
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Sugarloaf Dream Girl
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Princess Mitsi-Patricia
Persian shaded silver
(PER ns 11)
CH Kiva Mohican of Greenbough
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Princess Beverly of Davis
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Groot´s Queen Madra
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
DCH Groot´s Lord Snowden
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
CH Beverly-Serrano Kevin of Groot
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
QGC Groot´s Silver Camette
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Groot´s Princess of Silver Shield II
Persian shaded silver
(PER ns 11)
CH Paris II of Groot
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Princess of Silver Shield
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Groot´s Hapsburg Anna