:CH Princess Georgess
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Inbreeding coefficient:25.93 % (4) - 25.93 % (9)
Ancestor loss coefficient:69.23 % (4) - 21.81 % (10)
Silver Trophy
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Inbreeding coefficient:
1.59 % (4) - 3.71 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
83.33 % (4) - 24.12 % (10)
CH Hazlett Sonny Boy
Persian shaded silver
(PER ns 11)
Silver Lion of Rosewood
Persian shaded silver
(PER ns 11)
DCH Southern Silver Lion
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Lady Beautiful of Monrovia
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Frable Patsy
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Silver Lion of Rosewood
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Frable Princess
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Workman Little Chubby (aka Little Chubby)
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Lariston Romeo
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
Silver Lover
Persian (PER)
Ohler Bebe
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Cleopatra of Hillandale
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)
CH Vagabond Prince
Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11)
Love Lee Dare
Persian silver shell (PER ns 12)
Rider´s Sugar Pi
Persian silver shell
(PER ns 12)