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: Edric de Souvray Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - Ancestor loss coefficient: | : Cady de Padirac Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | : Aile de Souvray Persian blue (PER a) | ||||||||||||||||
: Delphine de Changrilla Persian (PER) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 5.63 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 96.67 % (4) - 24.38 % (10) | : GC Myowne Gallant Homme Persian blue (PER a) | : Eng Ch Astra of Pensford Persian blue (PER a) | Valleyend´s Blue Prince Persian blue (PER a) | Bebe Of Pensford Persian blue (PER a) | : PR Trenton Verity Persian (PER) | Eng Ch Oxleys Peter John Persian blue (PER a) | Stanforth Dauntless Lady Persian (PER) | : Harpur Periwinkle Persian blue (PER a) | : CH Harpur Blue Boy Persian blue (PER a) | Timothy of Knott Hall Persian blue (PER a) | Grate Bukham Bluett Persian blue (PER a) | : Gippeswyk Jane Persian blue (PER a) | ENG CH Southway Crusader Persian blue (PER a) | Areley Sweet Symphony Persian (PER) |