| ||||||||||||||||||
: CH Gaylands Midas of Catamarina Persian red (cameo) silver tabby (PER ds 22) Inbreeding coefficient: 13.69 % (4) - 14.61 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 86.67 % (4) - 21.17 % (10) | : GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands Persian cream (PER e) | : Eng Ch Beamsley´s Sunbeam Persian cream (PER e) | Berrett Casanova Persian (PER) | Beamsley Nyddia Persian (PER) | : Barwell´s Psyche Persian blue & cream (PER g) | Eng Ch Oscar of Pensford Persian cream (PER e) | Priscilla of Pensford Persian blue & cream (PER g) | : Gaylands Electra Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11) | : CH Chateau Chat Lemagnifique Persian shaded silver (PER ns 11) | CH Rollywood Michael II Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | CH Robelaine Renown of Chateau-Chat Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | : Gaylands Angela Persian blue-cream smoke (PER gs) | GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands Persian cream (PER e) | CH Kala Blue Moon of Gaylands Persian black smoke (PER ns) | ||||
: CH Les Mew´s Pandora of Catamarina Persian red (cameo) shaded silver (PER ds 11) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 0.35 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 96.67 % (4) - 37.37 % (10) | : CH De Regale Sparkling Burgundy Persian red (cameo) shaded silver (PER ds 11) | : CH De Regale Toujours Champagne Persian red (cameo) silver shell (PER ds 12) | Las Montanas Benjie of De Regale Persian red (cameo) smoke (PER ds) | CH Las Montanas Silver Flame Persian red (cameo) shaded silver (PER ds 11) | : CH Briargate Peaches ´N Cream Persian red (cameo) shaded silver (PER ds 11) | Briargate Man About Town Persian red (PER d) | CH Willowood Barbara of Briargate Persian red (PER d) | : CH Castilia Cupid of Chateau-Chat Persian blue & cream (PER g) | : CH, DGC Nor-Mont Beige Gentleman Persian cream (PER e) | CH Dixi-Land Wycliffe Encore Persian blue (PER a) | CH Nor-Mont Dixie Anne Persian white blue-eyed (PER w 61) | : CH Silver-Moth Serena of Castilia Persian blue (PER a) | CH Silver-Moth Samosa Persian blue (PER a) | CH Silver-Moth Hyacinthe Persian blue (PER a) |