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: Peter von Ketting Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) Inbreeding coefficient: 13.28 % (4) - 13.28 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 61.11 % (4) - | : Tarzan von Wicksburg Persian (PER) | : Wiking of Allington Persian (PER) | CH Duffy of Allington Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | Rosy of Thame Persian (PER) | : Joyce of Iran Persian (PER) | : CH Shirly von Ketting Persian (PER) | : Wiking of Allington Persian (PER) | CH Duffy of Allington Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | Rosy of Thame Persian (PER) | : von Marienhof Regina Persian (PER) | ||||||||
: Gyldenlund Susi Persian (PER) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 100.00 % (4) - 40.17 % (10) | : Tarzan von Wicksburg Persian (PER) | : Wiking of Allington Persian (PER) | CH Duffy of Allington Persian silver shell (PER ns 12) | Rosy of Thame Persian (PER) | : Joyce of Iran Persian (PER) | : Maja von Reinhardshofen Persian (PER) | : Oly van Drei Kater Eck Persian (PER) | Rosy Rufus Persian (PER) | Maleia van Wachenfeld Persian (PER) | : Brosy von Brosame Persian (PER) | Binkie of Bredon Persian (PER) | Eastbury Tiffin Persian (PER) |