:Kimberlea Jungle Bunny
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian black (PER n)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 1.27 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:96.67 % (4) - 37.12 % (10)
CH Shennen O´shea of Kimberlea
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
Inbreeding coefficient:
7.10 % (4) - 9.84 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
86.67 % (4) - 32.25 % (10)
CH Shennen Cimmeron
Persian red
(PER d)
CH Shennen Sinbad
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
CH Nigrette´s Lord Pomp of Khyo
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Shennen Shelly
Persian tortoiseshell smoke (PER fs)
GC Castilia Candace of Catana
Persian blue & cream
(PER g)
CH Nor-Mont Blue Clipper of Castilia
Persian blue (PER a)
CH Castilia Sandra
Persian cream (PER e)
Arlane Sharlane of Shennen
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
CH, ACFA CH Arlane Timothy-Jo
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
CH Palatka Josun of Arlane
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Shanna Groith Princess Kisme
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Arlane Nicolette II
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)
CH, DCH Bali-Ba
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Shanna Groith Princess Kisme
Persian black smoke (PER ns)
Ch LeLouvre Jubilee of Kimberlea
Persian black smoke
(PER ns)