| ||||||||||||||||||
: Dixiecrest Pipin of Olde Calico Persian cream and white (PER e 03) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 1.45 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 90.00 % (4) - 31.31 % (10) | : Topstone Sonny Dream Persian cream (PER e) | : Iowana Casanova of Felinest Persian cream (PER e) | GC, NW Beamsley Sunshine of Gaylands Persian cream (PER e) | Gaylands Helga Persian cream (PER e) | : GC Ben-Mar Cinderella of Topstone Persian cream (PER e) | GC Ben-Mar Daydream of Moonfleet Persian cream (PER e) | CH Larks-Purr Lyric of Ben-Mar Persian cream (PER e) | : Pathfinders Pansytime Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09) | : CH Pathfinders Parti-time Persian (PER) | Pathfinders Briar Persian (PER) | CH Pathfinders Maytime Persian (PER) | : Pathfinders Pansy Persian tortoiseshell with white (PER f 09) | Eng CH Pathfinders Trail Persian (PER) | CH Pathfinders Crocus Persian (PER) | ||||
: Lowlands Gwilda of Ky´om Persian black (PER n) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 2.67 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 93.33 % (4) - 30.98 % (10) | : GC Vi-Jon Geordie of Lowlands Persian blue (PER a) | : CH Vi-Jon Gorgeous John-John Persian blue (PER a) | Erman Dar-Lan of Vi-Jon Persian blue (PER a) | CH Vi-Jon Georgeen Persian blue (PER a) | : CH Vi-Jon Lady Star Persian blue (PER a) | Erman Blustar of Dunesk Persian blue (PER a) | Gra-Stone Lady Zane of Vi-Jon Persian blue (PER a) | : CH Lowlands Indigo of Glenoaks Persian black (PER n) | : Skyway George of Sherdon Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | CH Silver Moth Gabriel of Skyway Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | CH Skyway Pale Moon Persian blue (PER a) | : GC Lowlands Mair Persian blue (PER a) | CH Primero of Lowlands Persian blue (PER a) | CH Zoda Deidre of Lowlands Persian blue & cream (PER g) |