:Sablesilk Babu
4 / 5 / 6
& :Non-recognized breed
Inbreeding coefficient:34.19 % (4) - 42.57 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:56.67 % (4) - 13.23 % (10)
Casa Gatos da Foong
Burmese sable
(BUR n)
Inbreeding coefficient:
15.82 % (4) - 17.95 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
64.29 % (4) - 20.27 % (10)
CH Laos Teddi Wat of Yana
Burmese sable
(BUR n)
Chindwins Talisman of Yana
Non-recognized breed
Chango of The Farm
Non-recognized breed
Minkee Of Chindwin
Siamese seal point (SIA n 33)
Chindwins Soo-Soo
Non-recognized breed
Chango of The Farm
Non-recognized breed
Minkee Of Chindwin
Siamese seal point (SIA n 33)
Yana Jo Anna of Casa Gatos
Non-recognized breed
Chango of The Farm
Non-recognized breed
CH Ricki Tic
Siamese seal point (SIA n)
Paat Wan of The Farm
Burmese sable (BUR n)
Minga of Yana
Siamese seal point
(SIA n)
CH Oriental Nanki Pooh of Newton
Siamese seal point (SIA n 33)
Newton´s Vah-N-Yana of Yana
Siamese (SIA)
Chinki Yong Kassa
Non-recognized breed