:Alexander du Stargard
4 / 5 / 6
& :Turkish Angora silver tabby (agouti) with white (TUA ns 09 21)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 1.69 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:100.00 % (4) - 14.20 % (12)
Gizmo von Kediler Sevimlisi
Turkish Angora black smoke
(TUA ns)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.54 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 14.74 % (12)
Cemal von Kedi Arkadas
Turkish Angora red (cameo) silver mackerel tabby
(TUA ds 23)
Fisek of Yaradilis Kedisi
Turkish Angora brown mackerel tabby
(TUA n 23)
CH Ümit von Kedi Arkadas
Turkish Angora silver mackerel tabby (TUA ns 23)
Saynur von Kedi Arkadas
Turkish Angora black smoke (TUA ns)
Pempe Gül von der Losenburg
Turkish Angora cream silver tabby
(TUA es 22)
Kedis von Tekuay Asraél
Turkish Angora red (cameo) silver tabby (TUA ds 22)
Gunes-Kara Kedi von Wasserloos
Turkish Angora brown tabby (TUA n 22)
Cikira von Kediler Sevimlisi
Turkish Angora blue
(TUA a)
Rufus Kedi Güzel´Dan
Turkish Angora blue mackerel tabby
(TUA a 23)
Ivan des Loricaria
Turkish Angora brown tabby (TUA n 22)
Jelka Kedi Güzel´Dan
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed (TUA w 63)
CH Incine von Kedi Arkadas
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell (patched) tabby (agouti)
(TUA f 21)
Titania D´Inchmahome
Turkish Angora brown tabby (agouti) with white
(TUA n 09 21)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) - 0.90 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) - 10.95 % (12)
Nazarlik Brutus
Turkish Angora black with white
(TUA n 09)
GIP & EC Yildiz Oberon
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
GC Yildiz Centauri
Turkish Angora white odd-eyed (TUA w 63)
CH Silverlock´s Titania of Yildiz
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
IC Sada Elli Elviira
Turkish Angora black with white
(TUA n 09)
CH Babur-An
Turkish Angora white blue-eyed (TUA w 61)
EC Belaria-an
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
IC Lysistrata D´Inchmahome
Turkish Angora brown mackerel tabby
(TUA n 23)
EC Caesar D´Inchmahome
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed
(TUA w 62)
Rigoletto D´Inchmahome
Turkish Angora white amber/copper/gold-eyed (TUA w 62)
Medea D´Inchmahome
Turkish Angora brown spotted tabby with white (TUA n 09 24)
Kiralice Yamur Aiki´Dan
Turkish Angora tortoiseshell (patched) mackerel tabby
(TUA f 23)
Frederick Yamur Aiki´Dan
Turkish Angora blue mackerel tabby (TUA a 23)
Mihrimah´s Amira
Turkish Angora blue tortie (patched) tabby (TUA g 22)