:Dalai Silvaking
4 / 5 / 6
& :Ocicat silver spotted tabby (OCI ns 24)
Inbreeding coefficient:0.00% (4) - 0.00 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:86.36 % (4) - 33.42 % (12)
Dalai Quicksilver
Ocicat silver spotted tabby
(OCI ns 24)
Inbreeding coefficient:
0.00% (4) -
Ancestor loss coefficient:
100.00 % (4) -
K´Lang Maha Gony Of Dalai
K´Lang Adrammelech
Abyssinian cinnamon ticked tabby
(ABY o 25)
Madali Silver Luster
Siamese red point
(SIA d)
Serendip Silver Judy
Serendip Aloysius
American shorthair silver tabby
(ns 22)

Dar-Ed Nanette Of Serendip
American shorthair
Bodoni Of Kalkat
Siamese seal point
(SIA n 33)
Dalai Baby Pamper
Inbreeding coefficient:
25.00 % (4) - 25.04 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
77.27 % (4) - 23.28 % (12)
Dalai Dotson
Ocicat brown spotted tabby
(OCI n 24)
CH Whitehead Elegante Sun
Siamese chocolate point
(SIA b 33)
CH Kanburi Hassan of Dawood
Siamese chocolate point (SIA b 33)
Darra Tsing Po
Siamese seal point (SIA n)
Dalai She
Ocicat brown ticked tabby
(OCI n 25)
CH Dalai Deta Tim Of Selene
Abyssinian brown ticked tabby (ABY n 25)
Dalai Tomboy Patter
Siamese seal point (SIA n 33)
Dalai She
Ocicat brown ticked tabby
(OCI n 25)
CH Dalai Deta Tim Of Selene
Abyssinian brown ticked tabby
(ABY n 25)
Raby Chuffa of Selene
Abyssinian (ABY)
Dalai Tomboy Patter
Siamese seal point
(SIA n 33)
Fan-T-Cee Doni Of Dalai
Siamese seal point (SIA n)
Colleen Tang Rob-A-Lee Su
Siamese seal point (SIA n)