| ||||||||||||||||||
: Mi Dream Boy Persian blue (PER a) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 2.91 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 96.67 % (4) - 30.93 % (10) | : CH Stonybrook Sir Walter Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | : CH Stonybrook Comet Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | Bleuegate Major of Nigrette Persian (PER) | CH Baby-Kits Madona of Stonybrook Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | : Stonybrook Pamela Persian blue & cream (PER g) | Westbrook Paniar of Evergreen Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | CH Baby-Kits Abigail of Stonybrook Persian white amber/copper/gold-eyed (PER w 62) | : Farview Cupid Persian blue (PER a) | : Minqua Shenandoah of Vauxhall Persian blue (PER a) | Renown of Dunesk Persian (PER) | CH Longhills Evette of Nigrette Persian blue (PER a) | : CH K-C Sue-z-que of Welkin-Kits Persian blue (PER a) | CH Wimauma Valiant of K-C Persian blue (PER a) | K-C Moon Pandora Persian blue (PER a) | ||||
: Mi-Apatchy-Rose of Ebby Persian tortoiseshell (PER f) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 2.86 % (9) Ancestor loss coefficient: 93.33 % (4) - 27.89 % (10) | : Kay-ru Cadet of Graymour Persian cream (PER e) | : CH Wimauma Benjamin of Vauxhall Persian blue (PER a) | CH Wimauma Ahoy Persian blue (PER a) | CH Wimauma Candy Persian blue (PER a) | : Kay-ru Mary´s Queen Persian blue (PER a) | CH, DCH Kay-ru Jimmie Persian blue (PER a) | CH Fleur of Kay-ru Persian blue & cream (PER g) | : Stonybrook Scarlet o´Hara Persian tortoiseshell (PER f) | : CH Stonybrook Paquerre Persian red (PER d) | Ch Stonybrook Licorice Persian black (PER n) | CH Stonybrook Moumette Persian cream (PER e) | : Stonybrook Sheba Persian tortoiseshell (PER f) | Bleuegate Major of Nigrette Persian (PER) | CH Stonybrook Paulette Persian tortoiseshell (PER f) |