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: Tunxis Valley Puddin Puss Persian cream (PER e) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 3.34 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 83.33 % (4) - 24.47 % (10) | : Wimauma Fidello of Tunxis Valley Persian (PER) | : GC Wimauma Heritage Persian blue (PER a) | Wimauma Sweetaboy Persian blue (PER a) | CH Eirlys of Allington of Dixi-Land Persian blue (PER a) | : Wimauma Felicia Persian blue (PER a) | GC Wimauma Heritage Persian blue (PER a) | CH Wimauma Amity of Bean Ridge Persian blue (PER a) | : Ch Tunxis Valley Cotton Candy Persian (PER) | : Graymour Glamour Puss of Tunxis Valley Persian (PER) | Kay-ru Cadet of Graymour Persian cream (PER e) | CH Kay-Ru Whimsy of Graymour Persian cream (PER e) | : Tunxis Valley Precious Puddin Persian (PER) | ||||||
: Paul-Mar´s Ermin of Tunxis Valley Persian blue (PER a) Inbreeding coefficient: 0.00% (4) - 3.09 % (10) Ancestor loss coefficient: 96.67 % (4) - 24.90 % (10) | : Rocky Mountain Playmate Persian (PER) | : CH Chadhurst Sunshine of Rocky Mountain Persian cream (PER e) | Chadhurst Golden Monarch Persian cream (PER e) | Chadhurst Sunkist Persian blue & cream (PER g) | : DCH Camber Sally of Rocky Mountain Persian blue (PER a) | CH Foxburrow Frivolous of Pensford Persian blue (PER a) | Trenton Sugar Plum Persian blue (PER a) | : Sa-Hello Blue Pearl of Paul-Mar Persian blue (PER a) | : Erman Tiny Fluff Persian blue (PER a) | Kenlea Ek-Ko of Erman Persian blue (PER a) | Prestwood Anchusa of Erman Persian blue (PER a) | : Bloemhill Coral of Erman Persian blue & cream (PER g) | GC & NW Bloemhill Pekoe Persian cream (PER e) | Bloemhill Majorette Persian blue (PER a) |