:CH Contiss Button Box of Myshadows
4 / 5 / 6
& :Persian tortoiseshell point (PER f 33)
Inbreeding coefficient:16.16 % (4) - 25.12 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:80.00 % (4) - 16.27 % (10)
CH Hi-Me Flameboy of Contiss
Persian red (flame) point
(PER d 33)
Inbreeding coefficient:
1.12 % (4) - 11.91 % (10)
Ancestor loss coefficient:
96.67 % (4) - 20.63 % (10)
CH Ren-Sim´s Me Tu of Contiss
Persian seal point
(PER n 33)
GC Ren-Sim Shai
Persian blue point
(PER a 33)
CH Belamere El Faryn of Ren-Sim
Persian (PER)
CH Chestermere Wahkuna Tai of Ren-Sim
Persian (PER)
CH Marlofra Tiki of Ren-Sim
Persian seal point
(PER n 33)
CH Three Tuns Kyba of Marlo
Persian blue point (PER a 33)
CH, DCH Krumbhaars Sulinh of Marlo
Persian seal point (PER n 33)
CH Purring Lane Baroness Ruby Ott
Persian red (flame) point
(PER d 33)
Ch Amira Fire T´Go
CH Ambih Togo of Amira
Persian blue point (PER a 33)
Emin-Dale Thai-Tu
Persian blue & cream (PER g)
Purring Lane Bizzi Lizzi
Persian red (flame) point
(PER d 33)
CH Emin-Dale Red Ghetti
Persian red (flame) point (PER d 33)
Sa-So Firespryte of Cat Lore
Persian red (PER d)
CH Ren-Sim´s Little Doll of Contiss
Persian blue point
(PER a 33)